St. Pete MAD code of Conduct and Non-Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy

Each Parent/Guardian and Student agrees to the following expected conduct and to be accountable for their behavior while participating in St. Pete Music, Acting, Dance (MAD) activities. Lack of familiarity with Codes and Policies is not a justification for violations.

Conduct Code
  1. Respect: Students and Parents/Guardians will speak and act with respect to others and toward themselves. Students and Parents/Guardians should refrain from communicating in a manner or committing acts that could be construed as harsh, coercive, threatening, intimidating, shaming, derogatory, demeaning, or humiliating. Unwanted contact and disturbing the property of others without consent will not be tolerated.
  2. Focus: Students will demonstrate an attitude of learning and inquiry towards all activities. No Student should prevent Staff from teaching or others from learning. Cell phones and other electronics should not impede the attention or focus of Students. Staff may take devices away to be returned at dismissal or require Students or turn them off. Posting or sharing content digitally that disrupts the conduct of classes, rehearsals, and performances will not be tolerated. Disruptive, distracting or problematic behavior that affects the learning environment for others will not be tolerated.
  3. Dedication: Students will make attendance their top priority and arrive on-time prepared and ready to work – with all necessary props, costumes, notes, scripts and a full water bottle. Students should not leave premises during any activity unless excused by Staff.
  4. Responsibility: Students and Parents/Guardians will complete assigned responsibilities on time to include but not be limited to: registration, payment, information requests, and volunteering; attendance; song, line, blocking, and choreography memorization; character development; and costuming/hair/makeup.
  5. Friendship: Students will maintain platonic friendships with others. Students should avoid public displays of romantic affection for others and should not share dating interests and relationship status. Students will respect personal space and should not engage in excessive, inappropriate, or unwanted attention or physical contact to communicate romantic attraction.
  6. Courtesy: Students will treat the rehearsal and performance space, sets, costumes, props, and supplies with respect and will clean up after themselves, as well as participate in group clean-up.
  7. Alertness: Students and Parents/Guardians will immediately report any observed violation of this Code of Conduct to Staff.
Non-Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy

Students and Parents at St. Pete MAD are expected to foster a safe, secure, and respectful environment, free from any form of harassment or discrimination. This includes avoiding behaviors or comments that are unkind, mean, or inappropriate, particularly those that relate to race, color, nationality, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or any other characteristics. Actions like threats, social exclusion, spreading rumors, and pressuring others into unwelcome activities are also considered harassment. It’s important to treat everyone fairly and equally, regardless of their background or identity. Excuses like ‘it was just a joke’ or ‘we were only playing’ do not exempt anyone from the consequences of violating these policies. St. Pete MAD, along with its partner and host organizations, strictly prohibits any physical, emotional, verbal, nonverbal bullying or harassment, adhering to Non-Harassment, Non-Discrimination, and Non-Retaliation Policies.

​Violation Policy

If there is an immediate concern for the health and well-being of a Student or Staff then action will be taken immediately without completing the following discipline process. Violence, threats of violence, bullying, and destruction of property will not be tolerated. For severe or repeated infractions St. Pete MAD may prohibit a Student or family from participating in future activities for a probationary period or permanently:


  1. First Violation – Staff will communicate unwanted behavior and better choices with the Student.
  2. Second Violation – Verbal Warning with consequences. Staff will communicate with the Student about his/her behavior choice and give a consequence reinforcement to encourage a better choice next time. Parents/Guardians will be notified by Staff.
  3. Third Violation – The Student may be suspended, dismissed permanently from the activity or banned from continued participation in St. Pete MAD programs, depending on the severity of the offense as determined solely by St. Pete MAD.


St. Pete MAD will contact Parents/Guardians regarding violations as deemed appropriate by Staff. Minor infractions and consequences may be communicated via email or text or expressed verbally to the student. More serious offenses may warrant phone calls or in-person meetings with Students and Parents/Guardians. Parents/Guardians will only be informed of disciplinary consequences assigned to their own children. To the greatest extent possible, St. Pete MAD shall respect the privacy of the complainant, persons against whom a report is filed, and witnesses. Limited disclosures may be necessary to conduct a thorough investigation and comply with applicable law.